Audrey's Blog

A Blog For You

Innovation Day Reflection


Blah blah blah pupils blah blah blah eyes blah blah the eye doctor blah blah blah blah blah depth perception blah blah blah blah blah… I hear this and think to myself why am I letting my parents get away with talking about stuff I don’t know about. When I was a baby if they wanted to say something without me understanding what they are saying so they started off with saying each letter, but then I learned how to read and how things are spelled and 8 years later they still don’t want me to know so the do it this way. What is this? I need to figure out what all of this means. So I did a project on it. On March 5, it was Innovation Day. Myself and my partner ( this is her blog) did our project on “A Bionic Eye”. What is Innovation day you ask? Well innovation day is a day of creativity. My school has a contest (sort of) were grade 6,7, and 8 make a science related project, experiment or problem in the world and they compete to win. This is my schools version of a science fair. Our project went really well. We found lots of information. we even did a survey and the results were incredible. We did lots of research on “depth perception”, “angles”, and “the pupil”. We made a model of the human eye. On Innovation day we presented our project to our parents and our classmates parents. I am satisfied with the work I put on the board, but I feel I could have done better by putting I bit more information about how someone could use this bionic eye. I look forward to making an online replica of this bionic eye. I might even keep researching this project so my parents won’t have an advantage.


Thank you for reading my blog and please check out my partners blog. I would love to hear your versions of a science fair and if you think Innovation is cool.

Mes vacance


Pour les vacances d’hiver, je suis allé au Mexique. Au mexique, ma chambre d’hôtel avait une  terrasse avec un jacuzzi pour huit personnes. J’ai aimé la jacuzzi. J’ai vu un pélican. Je n’ai pas vu la méduse qui m’a piquer, mais je l’ai senti. 

Le recours a eu un parc aquatique. J’ai tenu un perroquet. Il-y’a eu spectacle sur la danse latin, un spectacle de Michael Jackson, et un spectacle aquatique avec des contortionists. 

J’ai aimé la nourriture dans le restaurant. J’ai mangé les pâtes avec du beurre pour le repas du soir, des nachos et un hot dog pour le repas de midi, et les croissant et des gaufres pour le petit déjeuner. J’ai eu une blessure sur ma cheville. Je suis allé a la plage. J’ai eu une boule de crème glacée chaque jour. 

J’ai beaucoup aimé les vacances au Mexique. 




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Hebrew Prayer


“Modeh Ani” a hebrew prayer means “thank you god for returning my soul and giving another day of life.” 

I think this means to be thank you for my health.

“Torah torah” another hebrew prayer means “Thank you for the gift of the torah and handing it down to us”.

If you don’t know what hebrew is, it is a language the people in the country of Israel speak.

Thank you for reading my blog.

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Quotes YAY!


The quote I’ve chosen is…

  -“If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with rain.”

This quote is written by: Dolly Parton.

I think this quote means that if you want the good thing you have to earn it.

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Treacher Collins Syndrome


My last and final task I chose to do is to write a research project. The syndrome I’m writing about is Treacher Collins Syndrome. It’s the syndrome that August in the book “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio has.

The main character in the novel “Wonder” by: R.J Palacio suffers from a condition called Treacher Collins Syndrome (TCS). Like most people with this condition, Auggie is normal in every way except in his face and head.


Treacher Collins is a genetic disorder made up of deformities of the ears, eyes, chin and cheekbones. It is also known as Mandibulofacial Dysostosis. Some cases are mild, others are severe. It was discovered by Edward Treacher Collins in 1900 in England. He was an ophthalmologist. (


Treacher Collins Syndrome is a genetic disease. It is autosomal dominant, but only 40% of cases are inherited from parent to child. The other 60% are totally random new mutations (like Auggie). TCS happens when a gene (usually TCOF1), which is found on chromosome 5 in the 5q32 region. has some sort of mistake when being made. This gene provides instructions for making a protein called treacle. Treacle is an important protein in the development of the bones and tissues of the face. ( This condition affects approximately 1 in 50,000 people. 


The signs (objective, visible) of TCS are all in the face area. One main sign is underdeveloped cheekbones and floor of the eye socket. A very small lower jaw/chin can lead to breathing problems. Another noticeable feature is the unusual shape of the ears, which are also small and misplaced. This may result in hearing loss. The next sign is down-slanted eyes and this may result in vision loss. People with this syndrome can also have cleft palate. (


Some of the symptoms (subjective, non-visible) of the TCS are anxiety and depression. Children may also suffer from social phobia (when they are scared of what people will think of their face) so they try to avoid being around other people. (


Treacher Collins Syndrome is not curable. There are some treatments that can improve the life of people with TCS. One of the treatments is plastic surgery to make face structures more normal. Usually this happens once the cheek and eye socket bones are developed, around 5-7 years old. Other surgeries can correct cleft palate, but are usually done on babies (9 to 12 months old). Jaw problems are corrected later, usually done on late teenagers (16 years old). The last kinds of surgeries can improve hearing and vision problems. Other kinds of treatments help children live with this syndrome. There is speech therapy and hearing aids if needed for a specific kid. They may also need psychologists or social workers to help with the feelings their having. (


Auggie from Wonder is perfectly normal besides the signs and symptoms of Treacher Collins Syndrome. He had 27 surgeries in his life and he has hearing aids. On the good side he was really smart and has a kind and funny personality. Unfortunately he has to suffer from the mean words and actions others give him. That’s why he is a perfect example of a person living with treacher Collins Syndrome.

Here are some pictures of people with treacher Collins Syndrome.

This is a picture of a child with Treacher Collins Syndrome. I found this picture here.

This is a picture of August in the movie. I found this picture here

Thank you for reading my post. Hope you learned something. I can’t wait to read your blogs and comment on them.

Do you know anything more about Treacher Collins Syndrome? Do you know any other syndromes like this one?

by posted under English, Grade 5, Language arts | 3 Comments »    

Wonder Words


For my second task I am doing make your own word search. Here is my word search I made on word search maker.

Hope you like it…

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Thank you for reading my post. Can’t wait to read your blogs and comment. Bye!

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Wonder pros and Cons


In class we are working tasks based on the novel “Wonder” written by R.J. Palacio. One of the tasks I’ve chosen is to make a t-chart of the pros and cons of the main character (Auggie/August) going to school. At the bottom of the page is my decision on if he should’ve went or he should not go. Here is my t-chart…

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I think that it was good for Auggie to go to school because he grew as a person. He made friends who were nice to him (well, most of the time). He also experienced what it feels like to be a normal kid. Finally near the end of the book he was accepted by his classmates and some kids in his school. Auggie felt that he shouldn’t be embarrassed about his face like he used to and he didn’t have to hang his head low.

The story also wouldn’t have been interesting without him going to school!

Thank you for reading my post. I can’t wait to comment on your blogs and read your amazing

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An idiom of my choice is “A rip-off” The literal meaning of this “ to rip something off something else.” The figurative meaning is “something being too expensive for the quality of the item.”
Here is my picture for its literal meaning…

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Fiction or Non-Fiction


    The Pirate, The Princess and Me The Rat 


  In class we read a short story in a Literacy book called “The Pirate, The Princess and Me The Rat.”  Linda Bailey wrote this. I think that this story is a fictional story because I found three reasons in the story. Reason #1 is on page 27 it says the rat unpacks… how is that possible! Rats don’t have suitcases! Reason #2 is on page 30 the rat talks. The reason I know he says it is because it says “Hey buddy” He snarled “How’d you like a little bubonic plague?” Reason #3 is page 32 in the picture at the top of the page the rat is thinking about a girl rat with jewelry. Rats don’t have jewelry so that’s why think this story is a fictional story. All the non-fiction parts of this story are things that could happen, but there are more fiction things so that’s why I think it’s a fictional story.

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Holiday Celebrations




Hanukkah is a Jewish Holiday and it’s about these men named the maccabees. Their leader was Judah. Judah and the Maccabees lived (took care of) of this home type thing called the “Temple”. These bad guys named The Greeks and their leader Antiochus invaded the Temple and crashed everything into little shardes. The Maccabees used to have this light that always lit. 

This light was called a menorah. A menorah starts off like any candlestick, but then it split off into seven candlesticks that represent each day of the week. They are always lit. The Maccabees lit the light with olive oil that was kept in a jug. There were over one thousand jugs in the Temple. The Greeks destroyed every single jug. All hope was lost that the Maccabees will never be able to light the lamp again. Until one of the Maccabees saw one drop of oil left in one of the jugs. They said this will only be able to last us one night but it’s good enough. The oil lasted eight days. WHAT A MIRACLE


Now a days…


Now a days we celebrate this holiday and call it the festival of lights. We have a hanukiah (hanu-key-ya) that’s like a menorah except with nine candlestick inside of seven. One of the candlesticks are raised higher than the rest. That candle is called the “shemash”. Every night we light the shemash and then use that candle to light the candle for that night. The extra candles left are the ones we light. We have eight of them because there are eight days of the holiday and there are eight days of the holiday because the oil lasted for eight days and we want to remember that. 




  1. We play “Dreidel” (dre-del) a fun game that the maccabees used to play when the greeks were saying they couldn’t study torah. They decided to play this game with this thing below. You spin it and if it lands on the gimel “ג” you get all of the prises, if you land on the nun ‘’נ’’ you don’t get any, if it lands on the heh “ה” you get half and if it lands on the shin “ש” you get some. These letters represent נס גדול היה ש” which means a great miracle happened there. For the people in Israel they say “ נס גדול היה פו “ a great miracle happened here. The prise is gelt. 
  2. Gelt is a chocolate coin. It’s a tradition to give it to children.
  3. You get presents on hanukkah because we used to only give gelt but then some parents decided to add the giving of presents to make it more fun.
  4. You eat foods that are fried in oil to remember the miracle that happened hundreds of years ago. The kinds of foods we eat are: #1 Latkes (lat-kaz). Latkes are potato pancakes fried in oil. The are crispy on the outside and soft-ish in the inside. #2 Sufganiyot (suf-gani-ot). Sufganiyot are dusted donuts with jam in the inside. They also are fried in oil.

Thank you for reading my post. Can’t wait to read your posts.

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