Audrey's Blog

A Blog For You

Learning Style


In class this week, my class and I did a “Learning Style Quiz” to see what type of learner we are.

My results came back mostly even but I dominate in visual learning. 


Visual learners learn by seeing pictures and these students understand and remember things by sight. They can picture what they are learning in their head and learn best using visual materials like charts, graphs, and pictures. 

It is often difficult to learn just by listening and often get distracted by sounds. 


I am almost completely like that. I learn by looking at pictures and charts. I get distracted by the slightest noises and sounds. I can visualize what someone is talking about in my head. 

But I also have characteristics of a tactile learner and an auditory learner. 


Auditory learners remember things they have heard. It is much easier to read out loud than in their head. It often appears that they aren’t paying attention although they are probably hearing and processing everything being said.


Most of these things are incorrect for me except, I am always listening even if I am not looking. I remember things people have said and less what they are wearing. 


And finally, I am part tactile learner. Tactile learners understand things through physical movement. These learners are “hands on” students who prefer to touch, move, build, or draw what they learn. These students need frequent breaks or to move around. They also often have a fidget or something in their hands. 


I am like this, because I always need a fidget or an elastic. I like to solve a Rubik’s Cube during class, but it might seem I am not paying attention but in fact it is the opposite. I can’t learn when I am staying still. I need to have breaks or to constantly be moving around. 


So now that you know what type of learner I am, why don’t you take a quiz to find out what type of learner you are. 


Thank you for reading this post.


Winter Break


I am looking forward to the winter break because I get to spend time with my family with no homework. But this year my sister needs to get vaccinated so I am not going anywhere. The cold weather is annoying but the snow is pretty. I don’t know what I am going to do during the break but I am very excited for some relaxing time for monopoly!

Winter Break | School District 8 Kootenay Lake

Thanks And Graditude


Dear My Mom,

Thank you for all you do, raising me and helping me become a

smart and strong young lady.

Thank you for always listening to me even if I am speaking pure craziness.

I will love you for everything because of that.

I also appreciate the times when you try to help me even if you

don’t believe me for telling the truth.

Thank you so very much


How to Show Gratitude and Give Thanks

Keeping Myself In High Spirits


When I am in low spirits I like to talk to my mom because she understands me and is good with understanding my problem and helping me think of sullotions but if I am in a situation were I CAN’T talk to my mom, I like to write songs like I wrote in the past on my blog. I also like to go for a walk or make a craft.


What gives you happiness?

What keeps you in high spirits?

Thank you for reading this blog post



34 Best Happy Quotes - Quotes to Make You Happy

Happiness is such an important part of my life.

Things that make me happy include reading, going on bike rides, making snow angles, hanging out with my sister but the thing that makes me happiest is…….Writing songs!

I know it sounds weird but whatever I can’t express in words I can on paper, and instead of just writing a letter to no one in particular, I write songs.

So far, I have written ten songs about a bunch of different things. I write about not wanting to grow up, dancing, the earth, my sister, a holiday, a special person to me, being brave and much more.


What makes you happiest?

Is it similar to mine or totally different?

Thank you for reading this blog post

A Book That Will Change Your Life


Here is a book that will change your life…. no, litterally! The book is called inside out and back again by Thanhha Lai. This book is about a girl in the Vietnam war escaping to Alabama. The girls name is Kim Ha and she has three older brothers. Her dad abandoned her when she was little so she only has her mom to take care of her.

This book changed my life because I did not know how hard these people were living in that time and it scared me to think of all the people who didn’t manage to escape.

Maybe if you read this book you will learn something too



Friends are so important to our life. You trust them with things that mean a lot to you. Friends can suprise you in good and bad ways, and sometimes friends end up being people that you would least expect.

The best quality in a friend is defenitly trust. If a friendship doesn’t have trust then it won’t last long. If I tell my best friend a secret and I find out from someone else that they betrayed me and told someone, I will be really angry and probreably get in a fight.

Trust your friends in order to be trusted by them

What do you think the best quality in a friend is?



Here is my first ever memoir. I wrote this memoir about my first experience in the hospital and my first impressioin. This was a life changing expeirience for me and that is why I choose to write about it. The lesson in this memoir is that finding the positive in every moment can influence your insight on this moment. Wether it is a horrible moment that effects your life or something that isn’t that bad but still effects you. Finding the good helps coping with really bad parts in your life.

Hope you enjoy




Have you ever felt like you have no control over your body? Like every movement takes a lot of concentration and even when you try you end up doing things you can’t control it. The first time it happened to me, was a very normal day but that changed quickly. 


It was my mom’s birthday and we decided to go to the park because it was a beautiful day. I went over to the monkey bars. We had only been at the park for ten minutes when I thought of doing something else but as soon as my feet touched the ground I felt a chill go up my back. I instantly started to panic. Running towards my mom was like running with ten thousand weights attached to my leg. Every movement felt like running a marathon. 

As soon as words came out of my mouth as I started to explain to my mom what happened, she asked me to take a deep breath and slowly repeat what happened. “I was just on the monkey bars and now I feel like I can’t feel my legs anymore. Every movement is like running a ten mile run. And now I am really really scared that my leg is going to fall off,” I said. “Your leg won’t fall off but I think we have to go home. And if it is still bad in the morning we have to go to the hospital,” she responded. 

I hated hearing the word “hospital”. It makes me instantly get anxious and start rethinking where I could have gone wrong but the only thing that came to mind was not having such annoying problems but I couldn’t change that. 

Back at my house, I couldn’t go anywhere, but having your sibling help you with everything wasn’t that bad. On our way home from the park we stopped by a friend’s house and they gave me crutches which I was surprisingly excited about because I have never had crutches before. 

Anyway, by the time the morning came around, the 4 out of ten in my leg became an 8. So as you can guess, off to the hospital I went. It was raining as my dad drove me to the hospital.. of course! 


The hospital was scary. It was really tall so it felt like it was staring down on me as if to say “you have problems so you will be here for the rest of your life”. I couldn’t help but imagine me in my eighties still in the hospital and that sent a spider crawl feeling up my back. 

Although I knew that this wasn’t such a big deal, I kept hearing voices in my head saying things like “maybe she had a stroke,” or “maybe she will lose feeling for the rest of her life,” and none of those made me feel better. 

My dad helped me out of the car then I very slowly limped my way to the emergency entrance. I have never felt more overwhelmed in my whole entire life. The air smelt of barf and medicine. In the distance I could hear babies crying. There were a dozen chairs in the corner. Up ahead was a person behind plexiglass and a short hallway in the back that led to a weird looking room. There were child-ish drawings on the walls but even with all the cool things, it was too empty and it felt kind of strange. 

My dad shoved me towards the lady behind the desk. The lady said, “hello what is the emergency today?” My dad responded with a very short response, “My daughter has lost feeling in her leg. It started yesterday.” Because of COVID she had to ask some safety questions. 

When she was done she sent us to the strange room in the back which weirdly looked like a bathroom. There was a sink and a mirror. But there were tubes in the back of the room that were contracted to a huge bag. There were two ladies in the room. There were both wearing gowns and one was on a computer and the other was holding the bag. She put the bag on my arm and it instantly started to squeeze my arm making me feel like a deflated balloon. The nice lady said that this was a blood test and that it was only to check my blood flow. They sent me and my dad into a hospital room.


The next two hours went by so fast. There were two people who kept making me do these tests for how I can walk, and I failed all of the tests. Then this lady walked in and said she was going to give me an IV. I thought this sounded cool until they shoved a tube into my vein. I threw up because I get nauseous very easily. I went to get an MRI so at least I got to watch Despicable Me. The MRI was 2 hours of laying in the exact same position. Way too long to go without any movement at all. 


It felt like ten hours had passed but my dad said it was only five. I had to take 4 tests, 1 very long MRI, an IV stuck up my arm (which by the way, was still in my arm). This nurse walked in and told me they had to do another test, and I made a very funny joke to make me feel better. Finally they asked if I wanted anything to eat. I got to order a chocolate chip muffin, a bowl of fruit loops and apple juice (which I don’t actually like and makes me wonder why I ordered it). The froot loops tasted amazing since I don’t get to have sugary cereal a lot. The muffin tasted like whole wheat bread with chocolate chips inside of it. Overall, I hate hospital food. At least I got to eat things with sugar in them is what I thought was what my dad was trying to do to help me cope with the fact that I was in a hospital

Throughout the 6 hours I was at the hospital, I threw-up about 12 times. My mom finally came at around hour number 7, so that my dad could rest a bit. 


After 8 hours of pure torture, I finally was sent home. I never felt so happy to see my couch. All I could remember from the rest of the night was flopping on the couch. My family having dinner and then my dad carrying me to bed. 

In the morning, I thought of this whole experience but then it just dawned on me that I have a coping method…. I like to think of the positive in every moment. Whether it is thinking of my sister finally helping me with everything, or making the nurse laugh. The good things help you get through the tough moments. So after all that I went through these past two day it wouldn’t be such a horrible thing if I had to go to the hospital again. As long as I get sugary cereal, I am fine!

I hope you liked this memoir.

Can you relate to this moment? What was your first impression of the hospital? When have you ever thought of the positive in a bad moment?

The Best Moment Of My Life


My class is learning all about sensory writing.

Sensory writing is really important to incorporate into your stories, paraghraphs, etc. because it helps the reader imagine what you are trying to explain and it helps the reader picture the setting.

If I were to redo this assignment, I would try to make the writing longer and extend the paraghraphs.

Here is my picture and my sensory writing

My Drawing

I had no idea where my parents were taking me that day. The suspense was overtaking me and I felt worried for what was to come. Was I walking into a trap or were they leading me to the most wonderful place I will ever go to? My parents refused to tell me where we were going which only fed my anticipation. The car slowed to a stop in a vacant parking lot, all I saw were willow trees around us. As I slowly stepped out of the car and my parents told me to walk through a path nearby. When I reached the other side of the trees I was flabbergasted with the sight. 

I found myself standing on the beach, gazing at the outstanding sunset with a mix of yellow, orange and purple. The sun was low in the sky as if it was playing a game of hide and seek. The sun reflected on the waves that were crashing against the shore line, then very slowly creeping its way back to the water, creating a soothing noise. The air smelled like smoke from a hut in the distance. I could just imagine a family roasting marshmallows over a bonfire fire as they told scary stories. The sand was very soft on my feet as if I were standing on a pill of feathers. The sand was molding my feet making it a reasonable thing to decide to stand rather than sit. The taste of sea salt on my lips created the illusion that I was swimming in the water. As i sat down on the sand i could feel the warmth overfilling me. I could tell already that this was hands down, the best moment of my life!

I hope you enjoyed this story

Have you ever been to an outstanding place?

If so where? What happened while you were there? What were your feelings about the sight?

Egghead Book Reveiw


In school, my class has been reading “Egghead”. A novel written by Caroline Pignat. It is an award winning book and one of the best books I have read. For the final review project I choose to do a comic strip. The reason I choose this specific artifact is because I love art and I love to read comic books so I felt that this was a good choice for me. 



Comic Strips 1-5

Comic Strips 6-9

I had to put three quotes into the comic strips. The first one I choose is in comic strip #1 in the third box “Mop to aisle 2…”. The reason I chose this quote is because it shows how Shane talks to Will and that he likes making fun of people. The second quote I chose is in comic strip #5, in the second box. The quote is “You little bastard” and the reason I chose this quote is to show how Riley, Shane’s step-father treats him. The third quote I chose is in the third box of the seventh comic strip. The quote is “even with a tape burn” and I chose this quote because it shows exactly what Devan said to Katie and ended up saying something hurtful.

I choose these scenes because in my opinion they are the most important scenes in the book. The first scene I choose is “To Will’s Surprise” and the reason I choose this scene is because it is the part of the book that started the whole domino effect. It shows the one who gets bullied (Will or as the bully’s call him Egghead) is standing in the hallway with only his underpants on. The second comic strip shows Shane, the bully with a huge bruise on his back. The third comic strip shows Katie getting run into by Devan, but I didn’t show Devan until the third box. The fourth comic strip has two scenes in it.The first one is Shane holding Will up against the lockers and the second scene is Katie standing up for Will but then Devan stops her from getting really badly hurt. 

The fifth strip is about Shane, the bully, getting bullied by his step-dad, Riley. The sixth comic strip shows how all of Will’s hard work gets destroyed by Shane and his friend, Brad. The seventh comic strip is about Devan talking to Katie about how he feels, but it ends up with him saying something he regrets. The eighth strip shows Devan and Will meeting each other in the weirdest place possible, at the hospital. And the last comic strip is Devan asking Katie out on a date to a restaurant, Mexicasa. I feel that all of these scenes are really important in this book because they explain all of the characters in different ways. They show the perspective from the bullied, the bully and the defender.

If I were to change anything about this project I would definitely change how I prepared for this project. I feel like I could have done much better in this project by maybe putting the comic on a better type of paper or/and I could have changed the speech bubbles. From this book I learned about friendship, bullying and feeling in the right position. It also taught me about what it feels like to get bullied daily, to be friends with the bullied and have to deal with their problems and concerns, and to be friends with the bully and not feel like you are doing the right thing but get bullied if you don’t help bullying.

Have you ever read “Egghead”?

Thank you for reading my blog post

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