Audrey's Blog

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Learning Style


In class this week, my class and I did a “Learning Style Quiz” to see what type of learner we are.

My results came back mostly even but I dominate in visual learning. 


Visual learners learn by seeing pictures and these students understand and remember things by sight. They can picture what they are learning in their head and learn best using visual materials like charts, graphs, and pictures. 

It is often difficult to learn just by listening and often get distracted by sounds. 


I am almost completely like that. I learn by looking at pictures and charts. I get distracted by the slightest noises and sounds. I can visualize what someone is talking about in my head. 

But I also have characteristics of a tactile learner and an auditory learner. 


Auditory learners remember things they have heard. It is much easier to read out loud than in their head. It often appears that they aren’t paying attention although they are probably hearing and processing everything being said.


Most of these things are incorrect for me except, I am always listening even if I am not looking. I remember things people have said and less what they are wearing. 


And finally, I am part tactile learner. Tactile learners understand things through physical movement. These learners are “hands on” students who prefer to touch, move, build, or draw what they learn. These students need frequent breaks or to move around. They also often have a fidget or something in their hands. 


I am like this, because I always need a fidget or an elastic. I like to solve a Rubik’s Cube during class, but it might seem I am not paying attention but in fact it is the opposite. I can’t learn when I am staying still. I need to have breaks or to constantly be moving around. 


So now that you know what type of learner I am, why don’t you take a quiz to find out what type of learner you are. 


Thank you for reading this post.


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