Audrey's Blog

A Blog For You

Picture Story


In Hebrew class, we were assigned an assignment to write a story based around what is happening in the pictures.

Here is my result;

One day, a boy is walking in the rain and he sees a sad and cold dog. The boy brings the dog home and takes care of the dog. Once the dog is healthy, he brings the dog to his owner.

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Ma Presentation Sur Le Geographie


En Etudes Social, mes amis et moi avons appris des informations importantes sur le changement de climat au monde.

Nous avons cree des videos sur powtoon.

Les videos representent les lignes de latitude et de longtitude, les differents hemishperes, et les facteurs climatiques.

Voici ma video:



In Social Studies, me and my are learning important imformation about the climat change in the world.

We created the videos using Powtoon

The videos are about the lines of longtitude and latitude, the different hemispheres, and the climat factors.

Here is the video:


Merci beaucoup pour lire c’est article.

Thank you so much for reading this post.

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Winter Break


I am looking forward to the winter break because I get to spend time with my family with no homework. But this year my sister needs to get vaccinated so I am not going anywhere. The cold weather is annoying but the snow is pretty. I don’t know what I am going to do during the break but I am very excited for some relaxing time for monopoly!

Winter Break | School District 8 Kootenay Lake

Thanks And Graditude


Dear My Mom,

Thank you for all you do, raising me and helping me become a

smart and strong young lady.

Thank you for always listening to me even if I am speaking pure craziness.

I will love you for everything because of that.

I also appreciate the times when you try to help me even if you

don’t believe me for telling the truth.

Thank you so very much


How to Show Gratitude and Give Thanks

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The Dead Sea And Ein Gedi


Here is a video I made about Ein Gedi and the dead sea (Yam Hamelach)

Hope you like it.

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Keeping Myself In High Spirits


When I am in low spirits I like to talk to my mom because she understands me and is good with understanding my problem and helping me think of sullotions but if I am in a situation were I CAN’T talk to my mom, I like to write songs like I wrote in the past on my blog. I also like to go for a walk or make a craft.


What gives you happiness?

What keeps you in high spirits?

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34 Best Happy Quotes - Quotes to Make You Happy

Happiness is such an important part of my life.

Things that make me happy include reading, going on bike rides, making snow angles, hanging out with my sister but the thing that makes me happiest is…….Writing songs!

I know it sounds weird but whatever I can’t express in words I can on paper, and instead of just writing a letter to no one in particular, I write songs.

So far, I have written ten songs about a bunch of different things. I write about not wanting to grow up, dancing, the earth, my sister, a holiday, a special person to me, being brave and much more.


What makes you happiest?

Is it similar to mine or totally different?

Thank you for reading this blog post

Project Sur Le Gymnastics/Gymnastics Project


En français, nous devions faire une affiche sur un sport. Moi et ma partenaire, Mia, avons choisi la gymnastique. Nous avons parlé des règles, des équipes, des types, des gens comme, Simone Biles, et des faits.

Voici les photos de notre projet/here are the pictures of our poster:


In french, we had to make a poster on a sport. Me and my partner, Mia, choose gymnastics. Nous wrote about the rules, the teams, the types of gymnastics, the people who compete like Simone Biles, and some facts.

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A Book That Will Change Your Life


Here is a book that will change your life…. no, litterally! The book is called inside out and back again by Thanhha Lai. This book is about a girl in the Vietnam war escaping to Alabama. The girls name is Kim Ha and she has three older brothers. Her dad abandoned her when she was little so she only has her mom to take care of her.

This book changed my life because I did not know how hard these people were living in that time and it scared me to think of all the people who didn’t manage to escape.

Maybe if you read this book you will learn something too



Friends are so important to our life. You trust them with things that mean a lot to you. Friends can suprise you in good and bad ways, and sometimes friends end up being people that you would least expect.

The best quality in a friend is defenitly trust. If a friendship doesn’t have trust then it won’t last long. If I tell my best friend a secret and I find out from someone else that they betrayed me and told someone, I will be really angry and probreably get in a fight.

Trust your friends in order to be trusted by them

What do you think the best quality in a friend is?

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